Zee John Ed
Most of my maps I create in XaraX for use in Flash. My method is exactly like Johns, ie I hand trace over the map on the layer above. (I use a tablet) I use a seperate layer for each road colour (Green or Blue: Trunk Rds. Red: Main Rds. V Lt Yellow: Minor Rds)
I then duplicate these layers and apply different line widths depending on the road type, then convert the lines to shapes. Then Add Shapes. This way I still have the original lines on the original layers should I want to ammend the map.

The final stage is to copy all the shapes from the 3 road type shapes layers, paste them on yet another layer behind those 3, and Add shapes. Fill colour Black. Then use the Contour tool to apply a 2 or 3 pixel external contour. Inset Path to make one shape. This gives the Black outlines.

I can then export these via .swf to Flash. There are no lines only shapes. (Flash handles line resizing very badly so I try to avoid lines in Flash)

On Johns question of street name labels: I prefer to do this in Xara. You can get the labels to follow the curves in the road using the fit text to curve option. Unfortunately to export this to Flash you need to convert this to shapes. This increases the file size vastly and therefore I avoid it. So the labels have to be added in Flash. I hate doing any drawing work in Flash, but this is one that I get stuck with.

Zee. Map making can be tedious, but I also find it thereputic. The trick is to do a bit at a time. My pet hate is new housing estates. 'Don't create a road that runs in a single direction for more than 10 yards'!

Ed - Be very careful redrawing the old Indian Territories, they've been redrawn to often in the past .... there'll be war paint a slapping tonight!

Finally, the ultimate map
