Quote Originally Posted by Charles Moir View Post
No positive news on the Mac version I'm afraid. We have a half working version, but right now need to persuade the powers that be that it's worth finishing this instead of adding more improvements to the Windows version. Of course all Windows users would prefer we keep improving the Windows versions instead.
I'm on the verge of switching to a Mac and the one thing that has me chained to Windows is Xara Xtreme. If there was a Mac version, I'd be in heaven. The thought of using BootCamp or some other software program in order to have Xtreme run doesn't sit well with me. It defeats the whole reason for making the switch.

Recently, I even downloaded the trial version of Illustrator CS3 to see what it was like, and it just gave me a headache. Simple things - like their way of editing a transparancy effect is nuts. And the price is even nuttier.

Mac's are advertised as easy to use, fun, and "it just works." Xara Xtreme is like the perfect Mac program yet only available for the PC.

It's not just "a Mac version" - it's millions of possible new Xara Xtreme users. It's worth finishing. Windows version is good for now.