Sorry if I generated any confusion. The rundown on my setup: 1 older computer running Simply Mepis 7, latest, 1computer -3 months old running, Windows XP and Simply Mepis 7, latest, as a dual boot. I exported the file, as a .psd, from Xara LX on the Linux-only-computer to the new with Windows XP booted up. It opened fine in Photoshop 6. I just ran another test, clicking the "export each layer", the file opened fine in Windows XP, layers were flattened, but everything was there. Actually good to know since I sometimes take files from Xara into Photoshop/The Gimp to tweak, it's a better option than a .png.
Now, if others can't do that on various other Linux distros, I might speculate that it might be due to the particular distro(s)/desktop environment/libraries that aren't dependencies of Xara LX. I'm running KDE desktops on both. I did see an example over a year ago. I had Photoshop set up to run with Wine on Vector Linux with both a KDE and an XFCE desktop installed. When I was in the XFCE environment Photoshop ran, when in the KDE desktop it wouldn't.
Anybody else having similar experiences, or questions?
And roberth, did any of this help get your poster printed?