I'm completely lost!
To keep related .html pages organized,
I have several subfolders under / of my website.
Each subfolder's main page is called index.html.
I use the same template for all the pages,
with one horizontal and one vertical navbars.
(based on sabre them.)
I would like to have horizontal bar to be identical for all the pages (it would be nice
to be able to modify it only once if needed and not for every web page separately).
For each subfolder I need a separate vertical
navbar, which is to be shared among the web
pages, located in that folder.
Is it possible? I looked through the postings
here and couldn't find any solutions (if I missed it, please excuse me). Could anyone
point me to any docs, explaining this step-
by-step (if such a doc exists)? I tried to
create a project and then modify that vertical
navbar, but because every subfolder has
files, that share the name with the files from
other folders (like index.html), xara keeps
overwriting my menus. Is there a way to tell
xara to keep vertical menu's files in the
corresponding subfolders, so they don't get
overwritten and place the horizontal's bar
files in the root dir., so they can be shared
among all the web pages?