I have never used PSP before, but it has been recommended to me at other webmaster forums, particulalry for antialiasing graphics whem designing web pages. I'm on a very limited budget and have a few basic questions before I shell out the money and take the time to learn (also have 2 boys age 4 and 2 so time is also limited).

Can I import the graphics I have already created to Paint Shop Pro to anitalias them - or do graphics need to be totally created in PSP? I'm self taught in html and do all right, but is PSP easy to learn?

What I need is a program where I can import the graphics I have already created to antialias them, and to create new textual graphics. I need to create some basic shapes graphics (i.e. stars, squares, etc.) that I can fill colors in on and make sure they too are antialased. Is Paint Shop Pro the best program for this?

I appreciate your time and input.



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