Just downloaded a 15 day trial of XaraX1 and I must admit, boy am I ignorant!!! I've been reading through some of the discussions going on at this site and you might as well be speaking Klingon. Where do I start? My original intention in downloading this program was to use its vectoring capabilities to resize my collection of jpeg images so that I can use them in my greeting card creating hobby. I have tried a few of the tools in the program but must confess that I'm lost. I have Adobe 5 and Ulead photoimpact 8 but they are child's play compared to this. Someone please point me in the right direction to get started on this. I've read some of the help blurbs from the tool bar and I can see that this program is a real gem, only I'm wondering if I'm just too dense to "get it". You guys all sound like you've been doing this for a hundred years and I've just stumbled out of the dark ages. Help!!!