According to the Xara website, Xara WebStyle 3.1 doesn't support ColdFusion .cfm files. I found this out after creating a huge navigation bar - only to find that it could only be read within a .HTM file.

My only hope now is to:
1. Have the home page as a .htm file and hope nobody notices the nav bar is missing in the ColdFusion applications ....or

2. Hope that Dreamweaver MX somehow integrates with ColdFusion MX so that this isn't a problem. Since my MX is on order, I don't know if this will work.

3. Convert the WebStyle navigation bar to Fireworks which may (or may not) integrate with ColdFusion.

4. Write out all the Javascript in ColdFusion (yeech).

Anybody face this problem or have any suggestions? The XaraWebStyle 3.1 navigation bar is incredible. It truly is the most advanced utility of this kind on the planet and I hate to give it up.
