
I'm new to Xara Xtreme. It came bundled with simply mepis 7 and I thought I'd give it a try when inkscape gave me trouble after upgrading to SM7. But there is one highly annoying thing I have not been able to figure out. I hope this hasn't been asked and answered.

When I use ctrl-v to paste a copied object, it gets placed somewhere way off the page. I have discovered several methods to find and retrieve it but I'm sure this is not the way this is supposed to work. Sometimes it gets pasted outside of the area I can even scroll to, although even then it's retrievable. I tried changing some parameters in the page set up (spread) so there is not so much space outside of the page but this does not keep ctrl-v from putting the object out in the toolies. It just makes it harder to find and retrieve. I saw a post about using crlt-shift-v but that doesn't change the behavior. Any thoughts?
