Just found this graphics program. - I hadn't heard of it before. It sounds really good and is only US$80!

I haven't tried the demo yet but here's what the site says about it:
"Idruna Software's Photogenics is an exciting new graphics package for PocketPC, Windows, and Linux. It allows you to create stunning images, either from scratch or by modifying existing pictures. It can be used for everything from simple file conversion, to advanced photo manipulation and re-touching. It also offers extremely realistic and easy to use media such as pencils, chalk and watercolours, which allow you to create stunning masterpieces in minutes.

Photogenics is based on innovation. At its core, it works on images unlike any other product. Nothing you draw is permanent, everything can be rubbed out as easily as it was drawn, and tweaked to perfection. This freedom allows you to experiment to a level never before seen.Unparalleled levels of creativity from being able to modify the colour, transparency, image processing mode, and even the position of what you have drawn, all in real time!"

But wait! This company is HOT!:
They have just launched Photogenics HDR which is "first graphics package capable of working with images in 32 bits per channel floating point format, otherwise known as High Dynamic Range, or simply HDR."
The site's info on it doesn't say how much it will cost and don't yet offer a demo. I'd expect the site to be updated any day now since the software was launched at Siggraph 2002 this week. Check it out!

Regards, Ross

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