I've been waiting for Xara to become available for the Mac for the past year and a half now. In this time I've been waiting for it to actually come out. I've also been looking for any chatter about it's progress.

Nothing. Not one thing has been said in the last 9 months.

My question is there actually anything development?

People say it's on the horizon by not saying how many people are working on it and to what degree. Could someone 'in the know' please direct me to the place I've not been looking or just say Yes it's being worked on look at 3-4 months/2-3 years or just say never or something! Then we can start making alternative arrangements like bootcamp or something to that effect.

The reason it's taking me so long to make this post was because of the poll "Apple Mac what that?" and I saw that more people use Macs often than people who say they use a PC and are perfectly happy. It was only by a percent but doesn't suggest there is somewhat more of a market in the Mac OS X platform??!?! (according to this little poll) isn't this forum suppose to be where all the Xara artists meet?

Please can someone give me reassuring advice