Well i have not been on for a while (out of town a lot)!But compared to you lot i must be the lowest payed on here LOL!!when i lived back in England i was a pro wrestler for 14yrs then i moved to the great white north(Canada) ,And now i am a Trucker ,yep 18 wheels and a lot of miles on this old boy now lol! I love driving and the best thing i get payed to see this wonderful Country ,And ye it,s true we got the CB Radio on and the country music going but hey someone got to get your goods to the shops for you lol!! But it,s a stressful job when other drivers don,t care for you and you are the slow one that they don,t want to get stuck behind !!Thats why when i get home i play on the comp and read all the threads on this forum trying to catch up on the new ideas and wonderful people i meet on this forum !!! Well just my 2 cents worth !!
