Webstyle very cool, however, I believe I've broken my connection bt my templates and the Webstyle program.

1. Using webstyle w/ dreamweaver.
2. webstyle started crashing on startup, so I reinstalled webstyle.
3. Now, webstyle works, but the dw add-on menu is kludged, so as xara suggests, I reinstall dreamweaver.
4. Now... I reinstall the xara dw extension kit from the xara site - xaradwext.exe
5. Looks good. Xara doesn't crash and I see the full menu additions for Xara dw addons... however...
6. I can bring up the templates I made, I can see the navbar, but when I select edit, webstyle comes up and it does NOT go to the menu bar area.

I've tried pulling up the template page and ws sees the nav bar only as five discreet buttons, not a grouped navbar.

There is no longer a "project" folder with all my stuff.

Am I going to have to re-construct the project folder from scratch? Please put me out of my misery or tell me how I can re-connect webstyle to this project.

Thx much.