Alright, I've been looking up and down this code a couple of times now. And I've read through yor tips several times...But I seem to be stuck a one point:
I've made the menu, but I don't understand how I'm supposed to make the links work...

This is the code so far (bear with me, it's messy cause I've been testing a lot):
	header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
	header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
	header("Pragma: no-cache");

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
		<title>A PHP-Site</title>

		echo "\t<center><h2>This page has a body of pure PHP</h2></center>\n";

			|| die(mysql_error());
			|| die("Unable to select database");

		//Skriver ut alt i tabellen
		$query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM gallery');
		$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($query);
		$i = 0;
		if ($num_rows == 0)
			echo "<b>No galleries in database</b>";
			while ($i < $num_rows)
				$GID = mysql_result($query,$i,"GID");
				$name = mysql_result($query,$i,"name");
				echo "\n\t\t<a href=\"purePHP.php?\$galleryid=$GID\">$name</a><br />";

		$query2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM image WHERE GID = '$galleryid'");
		$num_rows2 = mysql_num_rows($query2);
		$i2 = 0;
		if ($num_rows2 == 0)
			echo "<b>No images in selected gallery</b>";
			while($i2 < $num_rows2)
				$ImID = mysql_result($query2,$i2,'ImID');
				$alt =	mysql_result($query2,$i2,'alt');
				$adress =	mysql_result($query2,$i2,'adress');
				echo "\n\t\t<img src=\"$adress\" alt=\"$alt\">";
			} // while

		//Lukker koblingen til databasen

		echo "\n\t\t<p>&copy; Thorbear Incognito</p>\n";
I now have a database with 2 tables 'gallery' and 'image' where gallery contains GID (GalleryID) and name, image contains ImID (ImageID), GID, adr (filepath) and alt (alt name).