Hello everyone,
I am a long time user of WebStyle 4 and really enjoy it. However, since I first purchased my software I have noticed an error ( or bug ) in it and was wondering if anyone else experiences this problem and if there is a fix for it!

The problem happens each time my navigation menu contains sub-menus... When I view it in Internet Explorer, the rollover button color does not go back to it's original state after the mouse passes over it. It's as though it is stuck on the rollover effect. The worst part is, is that it only does it for a few buttons, sometimes 2 sometimes 6 out of 7! So I end up with a rainbow navigation menu with half the buttons on their normal state and the other half on the rollover state.

Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a fix for it. After using the software for so long, I am really getting annoyed of this!

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!
Best Regards,