
Sean Sedwards x-Port Plugin does for TIF what I want when I have to export CMYK from Xara-X.

Unfortunately, this time I need a CMYK-EPS to export and it looks like that is not so easy.

In Xara-X I define for instance a rectangle with a plain 100% Magenta fill.
I export as EPS and ckeck in Photoshop.

And it does not look like Magenta on the screen and it sure is not Magenta when I look at the channels.

Why can I define CMYK anyway, when Xara does not even export simple things like that correctly.
I also tried defining a Spot Color in Xara, but out comes a RGB-approximation of it, just like with Magenta.

Any trick or workaround available here ??
I HAVE to get my graphic onto two plates for printing and it HAS to be EPS, because there's also cutting and creasing involved.
Can that be so complicated ??
