For years I have used Artworks and I still use it from time to time if certain functions are not available in Xara Xtreme.

What I miss most is stack functions in the Alignment menu. It could be improved on the Artworks function by a choice for skeleton line stacking and outline stacking.

Other functions like the multiply tool, the vector pattern generation, the filter tool are things that I like to have as well . I general it wouldn't be bad to check what other tools Artworks has that could be implanted in Xara.

Of course I could be mistaken and there are ways to do the same actions by some finger choreography on my keyboard but I doubt they are as easy to learn and use as it is in Artworks.

A day long excursion for today's Xara developers through all the wonders of Risc Os graphic utilities wouldn't be wasted either.

I also wonder if it isn't time to implant color management like Little CMS made possible for programs like Qimage, Vuescan, Picture Window Pro, etc. Another option for a color management engine would be Argyll CMS.

A small utility that I also miss from Acorn times is that crude tracer called Best Tracer that simply stacked vector squares where pixels of the same color were. The Tetris of tracers so to say. I do not know a Windows equivalent and lost the Risc Os original in time.

I'm sure I'm asking too much :-)