
I am not sure if this is the right way / place to ask for this but here it goes:

Any chance Xara may provide the people at, developers of Directory OPUS, "THE" unmatched windows file manager replacement, with the necessary API and/or libraries for this effect (they would be willing to consider including previews for Xara files.

I have no idea if any Xara users are using DOPus, and if they think this is useful, but DOPUS is an amazing tool and it would make it incredibly easier for those working with the XARA format to have a file manager available that could provide this functionality.

As said, maybe this is not the right place and way to ask for this, and I should right Gary or the XARA team privately, but I thought maybe other XARA users could provide some feedback also on their interest / if they are already using or would use Directory OPUS.

(This would be of interest for them, cause I am the only person who has asked for this plugin... yet, they are willing to consider it... more XARA/DOPUS users would encourage them...)

They would probably also need a copy of XXP for testing purposes. I would be willing to buy an extra copy and make it available to them, for that effect, if XARA thinks this is a problem...)

Please check them out. DOPUS is an amazing file manager (and I am not related to them in anyway, btw, simply a die hard user... like with XARA

Would this be possible?

Feedback much appreciated.

