We have had nothing but a horror story trying to order 4 upgrade copies and 5 full copies of Xara X. Our purchasing procedure requires a single point source for the purchase so we cannot have each of the nine individuals login and download the appropriate copy, etc. We swapped several emails over several months with Xara sales trying to get from them the procedure for how we should order, but basically that got us nowhere. Finally, in desperation, our purchasing person bought the five-pack full copy and another full copy online (we now have the CDs), but we are still without our upgrades and we can get absolutely no help from Xara on how we can get these upgrades. I am shocked that a company like Xara would treat us this way. We are a very large U.S. federal government agency (which I told them) and I could send a lot of business their way, but you can bet I'll feel lucky just to get the handful of copies that I want.

My question - do we need unlock codes for the six full copy CDs we have that were purchased online, or can we go ahead and install them without problems?

We may decide to forgo the upgrade copies and just buy four more full copies instead since that process seems to work. If we do this, do we need to uninstall our current Xara 2.0 before installing Xara X? Will we need unlock codes for the copies of Xara X?

