I am new here and would like to say hello. After 13 years in the USAF I was tossed out from being ran over (by the USAF). Needless to say it's time for a career change. With the introduction done I will get to the point.

I have enjoyed working with still graphic images (self taught from books) from cleaning up photos, creating false pictures for fun(LOL), advertisement graphics for print(computer hardware company), and scrapbook photo collages for clubs showing what they do... etc.

To be very specific, I like working with graphics on a computer for whatever purpose. I would like to do this as a career. In a nutshell, is that Graphic Design or at least one part of it?

So if this is Graphic Design, are there job opportunites?

What kind of schooling goes into this besides the obvious learning of say Photoshop or whatever program of choice? Am I going to be sitting in classes drawing bowls of fruit? I have NO talent there.

Is this a career you can make a reasonable living at?

Thank you all.
