I was working (practice) on a graphic in DRAW 11 for the Mac and had created a 9-point star and extruded it. The fill was multi-colored and graduated. I then created a graduated fill sky in the background and tried to put the extruded object to the front to make it appear as a sun, but it would always go to the back and ALL of my file menu options would gray-out, leaving me w/ no other options whatsoever. What could cause CD to drop my options like this? I have re-installed from the CD a few weeks ago. Could this be a sign from CD that I have gone beyond my OS compatability for the program, as what happened when I upgraded my OS in the Mac in version 6 and didnt upgrade my CD software or can this just be a version 11 problem? I would attach the file I was working on but the file crashed and I did not want to spend time re-creating what was lost.

Also, recently I have lost a graphic that I was workin on that was a drawing over a photo that I was tracing some of the components by hand. Are these signs that its time to let go and move on?
