Ok, I tried to enter the code many different ways, to target movie clips together. I just can't seem to get it to work. It always tells me "target not found", would this have anything to do with the levels?
Or maybe there is a specific way I have to have my movie clip set up under the main timeline that I am overlooking in my ignorance of the program. I just have a file with 4 layers and an actions layer, the movie is one frame long and in each of the four layers resides a movie clip. Now each of these four movie clips on the four layers of the main timeline have buttons in them. My problem is I am trying to use tellTarget to go from one movie clip to another using the buttons. And that is where I am stuck. If someone could help me out that would be great. Stinger thanks for the advice but it didn't seem to help. I bet it is just something with the way my main file is set up. I could send fla files to anyone who thinks they could help. Thanks much,