Hi guys, hope you can help.
I've been using Paint shop pro for years, decided to try out PainterX.

This isn't a compare and contrast post but i've noticed something different that's bugging me and didn't know if there was a fix.
In painter when i'm viewing my image (eg landscape sketch scanned in at say 300dpi) and viewing it at 100% the quality is great but i'm looking at a massive blown up part of it (clearly).
When I then 'scroll the image down' it so it's at say 30% and i can see the whole thing on my monitor (17 inch) the image becomes pixilated and a bit 'scraggy'. So if i make any changes to the image, like chalk in a load of sky, add some wash to some trees etc and need to scroll back and see the whole image, i can't really tell if the changes really work as, like i said, the image looks as bit scraggy.
Unless I reduce the size of the image resolution, check it's ok then undo, or scroll across the whole image when it's blown up at 100% or even open it up in psp9 and check it.

Compare that to paintshop pro9 when i can work on the same image whilst it's at 100% 40% etc and can see everything clear as a whistle. (but with out the amazing painter brushes available, why i want the switch over)

Didn't know if i have my painter settings set to something or if there was a way you 'regular users' dealt with it. Hope this makes sense. Cheers!