Hi Folks , new here and looking for some opinions . I'm looking to purchase a all vector program shortly and have been trying to figure out which is best for me. I've downloaded XaraX free trial and like it alot better than the other 2 I downloaded (Illustrator & FreehandMX). And i've now came across DrawPlus7 which seems pretty comparible to Xara
But I'd like some input from ppl who have used Draw Plus7. First off and my main feature I'm looking at, are the gradients on par with Xara? And how about just general quirks of the program? Any odd thing that bugs you about it? something it lacks compared to Xara? Better in Xara in ways? I'm just looking for any opinions you could share about using both and your experience with them? Thanks for reading http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif