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  1. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Re: Exporting artwork to MS Word

    Quote Originally Posted by willdean View Post
    Thanks for the suggestions, but I don't think Xara is really the best tool for doing complicated multi-page documents with lots of tables, hierarchical numbered headers, etc.

    I know you could do it, just as you could do all the illustrations in Word, I think it's just better to use tools which are most suited to the job.
    Ok my bad.

    I didn't recall reading that the issue was about complicated multi-page documents with tables, hierarchical numbered headers, etc.

    Back in the day when laser printers first came out and I couldn't use Word to put in my nice ancestral charts, I wrote my own printer routine in BASIC and printed the charts on a separate page keeping in mind precisely where the graphics stopped and started.

    As Word and the use of it became more complicated, I found that printing out documents with graphics first made a nice template of which I could add text or tables from Word later.

    I even figured out that even text wrap around the graphics could be faked if one would take the time to do so and knew the exact layout of the documents.

    Needless to say, I was educated rather rapidly when I found out that printer/publishers who did magazines and fancy brochures often do multi-pass printing on a daily basis. That is, they know from their layout where their graphics exist and the layout of their text existed to a precise degree.

    Word is not a desktop publishing software that is as sophisticated as some, but I managed to produce some nice research documents that still exists in some libraries around the US.
    Last edited by jamesmc; 22 February 2007 at 02:53 PM.




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