The big Chill:
this layout was done inside Xara:
(I posted the link because the file is 129k)

Here is a really bad digital shot of the final print hanging up:

The print was 19 feet long by 14 inches high 100dpi.
I did the text and callouts in Xara but had to do the final layout in Corel. It was too long for Xara, tiff was 22,960 pix wide by 1400.
The ice background is a digital render done in Carrara. It took 7 hours to render out a 1400 x 5700 pixel bitmap (mirror tiled 4 times in the final layout).
The complete layout was reverse printed on a ColorSpan VII 72" inkjet printer using backlit film. It is the first (& smallest) of 8 prints total to be done.

The colors and text look much better than the digital shot shows. Xara did a great job on the parts I was able to use it on.

more to follow, with better pictures(I hope)

Wayne Kilgore
Guam USA