hi there...

I'm really in need of help...

I have to do frequently presentations of my 3d renderings, I layout them in Corel12, export them to pdf for beeing seen by clients.

my problem is: during a project these renders are changed a lot of times.
so i link my my bitmaps to the .cdr document-
but its horrible to use!!!!

corel doesn't recognise if a file is overwritten, if I burn everything on a cd, I have to update every single image, I can't tell corel to search in one specific folder

the preview of the linked images is so lowRes that i see only pixels as in big as in old c64 times.

linking by OPI creates huge files, as if corel would store the file within the cdr file.
and its not updating automatically neither, but preview is perfect..

please show me that I'm doing wrong, and not that i have to use quark for these operations!

