Hello, I'm new on these boards(but I've been animating on flash (not for web) since years).
I'm not sure this fits here, but I didn't know where to post it exactly. Here's my problem: I've been doing a flash animation, as an opening for a website. It is important for my client that the whole animation would be as small as possible, because his target doesn't like to wait and isn't likely to have a quick connection.
So it was a challenge for me to create as few symbols as possible, and re-use them in many ways, so the end-user doesn't notice there's actually so few symbols drawn. I achieved to create a complex 30 secs animation with as little symbols as possible.
Now. Here's the thing that makes me want to crush my head on a wall: When I drop all my symbols on the scene, the swf file is as big as 13 kb, which is very fine. BUT, when I export the whole movie, which include scales (zooms) and motion tweens (pans), I end up with a file as big as 1MB!! 1 Meg is still fine, but I'm not nearly over, and I haven't added the sounds. My question is: Does Flash export motion tweens (scale and position) as different symbols? If not, where's the problem? If I was to redo all the tweens and all my zooms with actionscript, would it be any different?
Thanks in advance