I never liked Magix software, it was always bloated with consumer-junk and nonintuative, honestly. But... now I like Magix software...

The money I understand, and the R&D drain. Now that will be different, we hope. My main concern is as long as Charles stays, I'm happy. Anybody this involved and attached...? indispensible.

I hate to be a broken record, but I've had too many software products with (excuse the caps) A DEAF EAR to the customers. And you tell them, "hey, youre losing market share because you just keep plugging away in a tower, and the customers are saying this is !@#$, and still you send a "dear sir/madam" letter, and say that you dont respond to forums, you dont respond to newgroups, you have a suggestion email that you never act upon... And still, nothing is done.

How ( I hope I can say this as an American ) bloddy refreshing it is to have a leader at the helm. A leader who can lead, then follow ( ideas, imput, market trends etc, and customer sentiment ). And then lead again.

So from a Yank, God save the Queen, the good Xara empire, and Charles. In that order. But all VERY close...