I just purchased Corel PSP XI yesterday and the amount of problems I had with this was incredible. It used 100% of my CPU and was using over 180mb of memory. In comparison Adobe Photoshop Elements was using between 2% and 4% and the memory usage was over 250mb but was running as smooth as anything and I could open 50+ images/edit them and still use other large programs at the same time. Corel PSP took over 10 minutes to load and the program was un usable.

I contacted Corel by email and they were of no help. I phoned the company today and the first call was unsuccessful as they were of no help. The second call went a little better as they finally gave me a solution. I hope this solution will help others out who have had the same problems, if not try and get your money back from Corel!

Step 1: Go to Start-Run
Step 2: Type %appdata% press enter
Step 3: Open the Corel folder and you will see 3 files:

Step 4: Minimize the Corel folder and Open Notepad
Step 5: Type any word(s) in Notepad -save to Desktop
Step 6: You need to copy and paste your saved Notepad file 3 times
Step 7: Rename the Notepad files exactly the same as the above filenames (to be able to do this you need to have the file extensions visible)
Step 8: Once you have named all your text files, drag them into your Corel folder. If you have named them correctly it should ask if you want to replace the original files, click Yes for all 3.
Step 9: Close the Corel folder and open Corel PSP. It should now hopefully load much, much quicker and it should not take up so much memory and CPU usage.