I've run into this a couple of times. The first time, it didn't matter. This time, however I had about 20 hours into the project and while it wasn't for pay, I was thinking about using it for self-promotion. I had about 30 layers going and imported a bitmap into it to apply texture. Saved and closed it last night after putting the bitmap into a layer. Wanted to take a fresh look at it this morning, but when I tried I get a blank error box that waits for acknowledgement, then:
"Xara LX failed to load the design."
"This is an early demonstration version of the program which does not yet support all of the data types that can appear in XAR designs."

This even though I created it on the same computer, same version of Xara. Seems like this happened after I imported a bitmap to use in the last project this happened with. Tried to open it on another Linux computer I have and even tried just importing the file. No luck.
The bitmaps I use were made up in The Gimp and saved as .jpgs. Is there another format I could save bitmaps in that will work better?
Any other program I could use to open the file and save a good copy? It was essentially finished, just thought I might tweak it more.
While I'm at it, is there a way to save bitmaps into the Bitmap Gallery, alongside the default (Xara) bitmap? I know you can do it on a per project basis, I was just wondering about a longer term method.