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    Default Re: Prognosis for Xtreme Pro for the Mac

    Quote Originally Posted by davelash View Post
    Would really like to make a hardware switch and Xtreme is one of my main tools.
    Whilst this is sure to open a can of worms, I'm going to ask anyhow - what's the motivation to switch platforms? I've been using both for years and I really don't see any intrinsic advantages, except that for all the things I do, like audio, 3D and TV/film compositing, there is so much more software available on PC. Plus there is a lot better hardware choice, too. In fact for music there is not a single application that I use that is available for MacOS.
    Anyway, I'm not trying to start anything, just interested in your motivation.
    Quote Originally Posted by coldfuel View Post
    So while i still stand by my decision, i always feel a little gutted when i wander into my local dealer and see the wonderful Macs on display and know that until Xara is on Mac, it will be very cost inefective purchase.
    That won't change. Have you ever looked at an HP workstation? Not the consumer product you get in shops but an XW series workstation? If I was ever going to buy a proprietary system, that's what I would be going for. They are super-quiet, incredibly well designed and built and offer a lot more choice when putting one together for your specific needs.
    Quote Originally Posted by FH Addict View Post
    So could you please consider my present list for christmas :
    • Xara Xtreme Pro for Mac (native osx)
    • import menu for FreeHand files
    • A better "Apple-like" interface
    What's a "better" Apple-like interface? I've never really noticed Apple GUI's being that much different from PC ones on cross-platform applications.
    Quote Originally Posted by bembelembe View Post
    I agree with FH Addict.
    Xara developers should look into Freehand more. Many users of Freehand users need similar application to migrate. FH users are frustrated with Illustrator and are looking alternative. I think that Xara has tremendous potential but still, I find it's interface not intuitive and organisable as of Freehand's (or Illustrator's and InDesign's). Now when Xara finally has multipage, this great application is a step close to fulfill needs of Freehand users.
    I didn't know that Adobe had killed off Freehand. That's just a really dumb move on their part. Over here [Australia], Freehand is pretty much the standard in the advertising industry and it will piss a lot off people off. I work for Autodesk, in the part that used to be Discreet, and we recently went through the acquisition of Alias, which now means we have two 3D products, Max and Maya, which have a huge cross-over. But as our CEO said at the announcement, it woudl be crazy to kill off one or the other as it just gives a competitor an opportunity to make a sale.
    This is indeed a great opportunity for Xara and Corel to grow their user-base. If I was a Freehand user I wouldn't even consider Illustrator on principle.
    On the intuitiveness front, I've never used anything less intuitive than Freehand. I remember sitting in front of v7 or so, trying to create a simple rectangle and it took me about 2 minutes to find the tool. You'll find Xara is maybe a little different but after the adjustment period I am sure you will wonder why you ever put up with Freehand.
    Last edited by BONES; 07 December 2006 at 10:48 PM. Reason: Added more replies.




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