I dont really care whether Xpro has any of the features/fixes below, im buying it anyway...it's such a massive leap and looks fantastic...but a few questions anyway..

1. The only thing lacking from XaraX and Xtreme was the ability to convert an bitmap image to CMYK from RGB (like you can in photoshop), is this something that has been added?

2. A frustration in Xtreme when exporting to .AI/EPS format was that only the vector image was exported, the page dimensions were not (I.e. set up your page to business card size, export a busineess card to AI format and when opened in AI you get a A4 page layout with artwork sitting at the bottom of the page) has this been fixed so that the page size and layout is maintained?

3. What version of Photoshop does the new .PSD import/export support?

4. Is text exported as 'editable text' when exporting to .PSD and is text editable as 'text' when imported into XaraPro ?

5. Can XPro import/export higher than v7/8 AI/EPS ?

Thanks all as always, and very well done Xara...