Every ISP in the whole wide world allows me to post a non-shocking message like I did about Real Draw Pro; a link to a good review with some teasing towards Xara X on my part (by the way: I use Xara as often as Real Draw).
I don't understand why the moderators don't try to understand what the reasoning is behind the fact that all ISP's allow some freedom.

As soon as someone else gives his opinion about another product than Xara, it's flaming. Flaming start when somebody yells something, without any reasoning, any explanation. I post a message of a product that got good reviews and that was the reasoning behind it. The article explained itself and Ross thinks that that is flaming, sorry, but I really don't understand.
Nobody ever got a change to react on the article. Nobody ever got the change to react on the also postive Xara X article. What I noticed the time I was on this forum, is that nobody is allowed to talk TOO positive about any other product. It's always Xara X this Xara X that and the rest comes way behind. It's called one mind thinking. It seems that the moderators are so extremely happy with this nice club of Xara friends, that they don't allow anything to happen that can pull them away. It happens in this forum, it happened in countries like Russia, Iraq, Cuba and so many other countries. I was born in a country that was one of the first to have a real democracy. People are allowed to give their opinions, are allowed to be themselves, are allowed to have their own religious, political or sexual preference. I don't close my eyes, I'm not scared to give my opinion and I'm not scared for the consequences. I want to be able to say what I have to say and I just don't want take the easy road and join the public opinion, because everybody else does. I will not be the kind of person that said at the end of WWII: "I didn't know". Sorry, but I have a hard time with people who just join the herd blindfolded.

That Real Draw Pro has nothing common with Xara X, is not true. I don't need to go to another forum because of that. People talk about a lot of other computer related stuff all the time that has nothing to with Real Draw Pro.