Hi Folks. This is my first visit to your forum. I'm placing a Flash movie on my index page. I want the page to display the opening still picture from my movieClip animation (which is a series of 70 .jpg frames.) I've got the movieClip down to 240 k, but I don't want anyone waiting around for it to play...if they're there for a couple of seconds, hopefully, it will. While this is displaying and folks are making a selection of where to go on the site, the movie loads. It plays twice and stops. I've built an .fla container movie that is 70 frames long (arbitrary.) In the actions layer first frame, there is a frame action, loadMovie. I let the container movie run for 36 frames at 12 fps (3sec). On frame 36, there is a frame action, playMovie. How do I program it to play twice and then stop? Thanks!
