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    Default Need help to create spinning border around board with extruded logo


    I bought Xara3D6 recently and I'm trying to make a 3D version of our company logo. Our logo is simply our name on a red elliptical board with another red ring around it.

    I thought this would be very easy but for some reason I can get the 3D version to work with the text, board and outer ring together.

    original.xar is our basic logo (grouped text & ellipses created in Xara Xtreme).
    Example1.xar is the text on it's own (created in Xara Xtreme).
    Example2.X3D shows the problem I have on copying the logo into Xara 3D (ie. the text gets totally lost).
    Example3.X3D shows the result of just copying the text (Example 1) into Xara3D. This is something like the result i'm after but I need the text on a rotating red elliptical board with the outer border ring spinning in the opposite direction.

    Hope that made sense!

    PS. I hope I attach the examples correctly as I've not posted attachments to forums before.

    Any advice would be appreciated.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Telovne; 24 October 2006 at 08:23 PM.




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