OK Gurus, I have this idea that I would like to bring to fruition but my mechanical mind cannot bend to the necessary steps.

What I see is a champagne glass, lots of bubbly in it and lots of bubbles rising up through the champagne. As the bubbles hit the surface they escape and become multi-hued just like Casey's bubble. There is a difference however, what I want is a never ending series of bubbles that rise from the champagne, growing larger as they float away, each containing a different head/shoulders and finally 'popping' as they move out of the frame. I have about 60 busts that I want to use but have no idea of how to tackle this project. The bubbles could be in series or in parallel providing they could be seen as containing stand-alone busts.

I am thinking that this cannot be done but then I remembered a particular sentiment on this forum "there's no such thing as can't".
