I am just learning web design (and using Web Studio 4.0, and MenuMaker 1.1), so I appologize for the simple questions; if it is not a drag and drop to link I am currently somewhat lost. I read through a lot of the older posts but still have difficulty understanding how to link an item in the MM drop down menu to a following page.

I have been able to create a home page in WebStudio (WS), and link MM to a button object on the home page by attaching the files and inserting the script at the end of the object (or so WS allows me to do via a cut an paste in a box, and specifying 'after object')

<script src="$thisfolderurl$xaramenu.js"></script><script menumaker

where h1 is the object(java script?) created in MM. There are 3 files: h1.js, h1.html, xaramenu.js. When I preview the page locally on my computer I can see the MM menu drops down from inside of WS. But
1) how do I link the items in the drop down menu to another page?
2) Which file would I edit (if I have to) and
3) what would I put in the file and where?

I have started Mary's webcode 101 course, but this would take a bit time to figure this all out by my self.

Thanks for listening, and any help.


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