Quote Originally Posted by -=Drifter=- View Post
Sally, the anim is great but I am curious why the white ice/snow caps are not moving on top...
The reason for the ice cap was to cover up the letters which are supposedly zooming in from behind. If the globe was stationery, you could cut it in half and bring it to the front while the base have is moved to the back and that allows the illusion of the text encircling the earth .

However, the way the rotating globe works is different. The reason for the background being long and narrow is to cover up what is happening below. It is a rectangle with a hole punched through which reveal one frame at a time which is moving in a strip behind the scenes (the black mask) and is actually 2 layups of the globe end to end horizontally to be pulled through on the path (which I made invisible from left to right in a timeline which conveniently advances the land masses one frame at a time. However, it will do this visibly so if you don't use a mask. This mask is not like a Photoshop mask it is just a rectangle with a circle combined to leave there be a lovely whole, just in the right spot. DRAW has the feature of clipping like Xara, only instead of ClipView it is called a PowerClip and if you get enough of them going at the same time in one program especially with other effects, like a bugeye lens, the program rather says "Nice knowing you, you want to do what???? I am shutting down now. Hope you didn't lose anything important." Actually my computer isn't that eloquent but you get the idea. There are somethings you bend the rules to keep the system running and so you get to bed before 4:00 a.m. and get up at 7:15 a.m. Saavy?

I got lazy and had to do something to save face to keep up with mega-poster-person of the decade (whom I love to raz---can you guess who?) Had to post to save face. So the ice cap covers up what I didn't want the viewer to see, which is text which is still going in front of the earth. I could of course change it, but you see, I couldn't have explained how it is done otherwise. (Don't I save face well?)

There's lots that can be done with R.A.V.E. and just showing off a little of its potential.

The globe is rounded by a lens in CorelDRAW which is a bugeye lens, and that is over the globe land mass, which is one of the characters in the Webdings font. So I didn't spend hours meticulously drawing it. Lenses are a special type of transparency that effects the underlying object in more unusual ways. Some of these transparency types, Xara has, but the bugeye lens is a Corel exclusive.

I could have made it that kinda of Magic Shell topping --- lovely chocolate which is liquid until it sets up on ice cream. Golly I hate to think what this magical concoction does to the human inerds. Yuck.

I could have had a chicken sitting up top. Or a beanie with a properller, you the lovely lacy bonnet your Mommy put on your head which has scarred you psychologically for life. Don't you like the ice cap better now?

Most people would not have even noticed. Drifter, you probably noticed all those frames in the Flintstones where only the lips moved and nothing else. This is called keeping the bean-counter boss off yer back, while advancing the plot line.

In my case, it is sheer laziness.

Please don't ask if there are dust bunnies under my bed.