Hey all,
Currently I have the following software for sale:
A) xara x w/t upgrade to xara X1 $100 usd +s/h
B) xara 3d 5 with copy of i think it's webstyler 2 $25 usd + s/h
I am only selling these to get them out of my way and hopefully benefit someone else. I've unfortunatly joined the dark side (adobe products) and have too many programs on my computer, which is about as usefull as 5 hammers. Perhaps one of you that already own xara x1 can buy another. Just think,, you'll be twice as productive.
Aside from xara I also have paint shop pro 8, and Indesign 2 for sale. I will take reasonable offers on this.

If someone can put them to better use, they will be saving some money.
I promise this is the only time I'll be doing this to you all.

james (at@) neneDevelopments (dot.) com