Hello Deep,
I am a student of graphic design at Bangalore, India. I have heard a lot about you. Finally I have the chance to request your help. There is this Flash 5 file I was working on. Suddenly at one point after I generated a shockwave file, two buttons stopped working. Then gradually things got worse. Gradually all the buttons stopped working, it started taking a l-o-n-g time to generate the shockwave…and then it gave the message “A script in this movie is causing Flash Player to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive.. Do you want to abort the script?” And then I would get a shockwave file where the first button, that is “start presentation” would work. The intro ani would run, and then the moment I came to the “enter” button, it wouldn’t work and the system would hang. This was in Flash 5. I opened the file in MX, still same problem. I created a new file in MX and then recreated each scene by copypasting the element from the earlier file. and redoing the scripting. It was working fine then suddenly the same problem strikes…
I have gone over all the scripts…there is no complicated scripts…all “go tos” and an occasional “load movie” or FS Commnand. Nothing comes up when I debug the file….I am totally flummoxed. Desperate, anxious, everything….
Please help.
Thanks in advance,

[This message was edited by fructifly on August 05, 2002 at 03:59.]