Hi Everyone


I have been using Frontpage for quite some time now but have never been able to do drop down menus as I do not know HTML

I looked at MenuMaker and it looks like my prayers had been answered

I have used the video tutorial, everything is loaded properly...Integration, Menumaker, Add Ins etc.

I have done a great nav bar but!!!!!

When click on my page where I want to put the nav bar and the go into insert then menumaker ... the following message keeps popping up

Menumaker cannot alter the contents of this page as it is currently live
To alter the page either save it and alter the saved version or load the original [if it is advisable]

This also happens in Webstyle

I have emailed support 5 times over the last 8 days but they have not answered as yet [Crap after service]

While using the trial version, I really want to purchase the full version [Menumaker or Webstyle] but their lack of support to me is a disgrace and is putting me off purchasing

I could do with another WYSIWYG program

HELP ME PLEASE ON MY MENUMAKER PROBLEM then give me some program names other than xara

By the way...I found their telephone number in the United Kingdom [Hemel Hempstead]

And Hey!!!!!!! they do not answer the phone !!!!

Help will be much appreciated

Thank You In Advance
