Oh yea man, the good folks at NeverCenter (the maker's of Silo) have released the SDK for those who enjoy writing plugins... and already there are a few to be had...

but the best one of all is the new "bridge" plugin which Jamchild himself took the time to write... Bridge Plugin and SDK source files are here...

I tried it out and it works great... and though Jamchild himself has admitted there is a bug when undoing in SubD mode when using this bridge plugin, I can tell you first hand that it works fine for the actual op of bridging two objects together... and... Tom (Jamchild) has suggested that this is just a quick write, and that the plugin will be much better when actually implimented into the main app... good enough for me...

Only but four of so tools more that I personaly await to be put into Silo and then I will be a converted modeling dude I tell yas...

Still requires extrude and bevel verts, which I am told are to be coming very soon... and other than that select similar would be nice,some better snap on tools, as well perhaps some work on the VM, maybe a way to to impliment a loop cut leaving a closed object, as the current "break" leaves a open object... and maybe a few tweaks in the material editor... and then, yea baby, this app would truly rock...

I mean don't discard your version of Wings3D just yet, but look out, it is promising to become a very interesting battle of modeling apps in the near future for sure

Ya gotta love it eh

Have a good one all