After having shedload of errors in validating XHTML due to flash elements, I'm only stuck with just 2 errors finally. Although, I managed to delve into other errors over the Internet, these two is yet beyond me.

Would anyone have a clue as how to I get rid of these 2 errors & have my page validated for XHTML ???

>> Line 60 column 218: there is no attribute "allowScriptAccess"." align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwa

>> Line 60 column 280: there is no attribute "pluginspage".

...ation/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="

What exactly these two "allowScriptAccess" and "pluginspage" do, since if it doesn't do much, I suppose getting rid of it (provided the flash element plays well in cross browser) would be an option ???