
Here's something that's weird to me, but I dunno whether it's supposed to do this. I'm using X1.

- Draw a nice curvy open path. (Make sure you can see the whole path in your screen)
- Using the shape editor, select just one node somewhere in the middle and "Break at point"
- You'll now see 2 paths with:
-- One of the 2 nodes selected (which were originally the 1 unbroken node)
-- Another node at the end of the other path selected too <-- this looks weird to me.
Why would a node on the end of the other path be selected too when it had nothing to do with the original process of "node breaking"?

BTW, this second selected node of the second path seems to be the corresponding end-node of the first path: i.e. with both paths selected, if you apply an arrowhead to them, you'll notice the arrowhead showing on both selected nodes (or the other end of the paths, depending on the path direction)

I've had this problem a lot of times before where I was zoomed in a drawing and breaking nodes (and deleting some). After zooming out, I noticed a whole different part of my shape was deleted too :\ Frustrating, cause I couldn't pinpoint why nodes were apparently being deleted without me touching them.

I don't know whether Xtreme does this too, I don't know whether this behaviour is normal. But it sure looks weird to me.
Can anyone explain or confirm it?