Quote Originally Posted by Availor
By the way, James, I don't know PHP so how do you upload your site like that? I mean with the ability for the user to register (send you an email)?

I was asked if I could createa a site, but I dont' know how to make sucha form.
ONLY FEW "free webspace provider" allows user to upload PHP files (so Lycos does, that's why you could see my page, but NOT the Geocities).

This Contact form, has ALL the necessary validation so as to stop preventing user from typing wrong data & hence ensuring that the data we receive are valid.

It took me the vast deal of effort, since I'd to explore a lot in PHP before being able to make this form in around 2-3 weeks after reading 2-3 different books.

However, if you're into PHP then, try this website: http://www.tizag.com/ for the easiest php tutorial I ever came across. However, before you implement any of it, you'd need to get the PHP itself.

http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html give you the software that's everything you need i.e. PHP, MySQL (you may need it later on, if not now) & Apache, which you HAVE TO HAVE before executing any of the PHP.

Lastly, since PHP gets executed in the server itself (i.e. Apache), NO ONE could see the codes, at all (for example, a way to do so would be by using "view source code" option in the browser).

This means, you won't be able to see the codes I've typed in for this Contact form (i.e. NOT the php codes, but you could still see the HTML codes). This means, you could see the codes of the way I've DESIGNED the form but NOT the codes of the validation & the functionality of this Contact form.

If you need the code, I can arrage that for you later on.