Quote Originally Posted by Availor
In case the other frame is the longest I'm not sure... I guess the use would have to wait.
About swish, well perhaps it is an easier app to cope with but it's not at all as professional as flash. Maybe if all you need to do is a pre-made effect banner then use swish or ******* Glanda, but if you are into developing flash is the app. I prefer working the hard and professional way, but it takes me truly long hours of learning.

I can highly recommend you webwasp.com tutorials. The Graph issue is explained.

Also, I've purchased several tutorials from Cartoonsmart.com and I am very pleased with them. There are some freebies that show Basic Actionscript application. There are video tutorials. Also, LearnFlash.com offers you a free tutorial once you subscribe to their newsletter. I advise you to subscribe with a secondary e-mail since they do get annoying, but they have great video tutorials which they provide you for free. Actually, I'm dying to get those videos bundle, but 300$ is more than I can efford.

Actually, since you are from UK and the "next best thing to GOD" :-) I found some interesting video bundles from learnsoft-shop on e-bay. They are from UK, and each bundle is only 9.5$ Unfortunately they don't ship to Israel....
Thanks. I'm getting myself trained on Flash from the 3 different CDs that I got from:


This is fantastic tutorials & I've learnt a lot, but since I'm yet to implement it practically, I tend to have little less confidence but I'm getting into it slowly.

By the way, if you're interested in THESE particular CDs, then let me know. I could buy it for you & deliver it to you in Israel, if you could pay me the product's price along with delivery from UK to Israel by Paypal.

If you're interested, let me know & I'd be glad to help. This CDs cost around $300 or so, but the same could be grabbed from e-bay for such a knock-down prices.