
When I export an image to JPG or GIF, it is one or two pixels different to what it is in Xara X..this is a drawing created in Xara not an imported image

For example, using the shape drawing tool create a 500px X 70px rectangle (that's all, nothing else), then save that as a GIF or JPG and it ends up 501 X 71.

I've been using Xara for a few years, however in the past I haven't needed to get within a pixel, so haven't noticed this problem; maybe it's always been there. However now I need to be pixel perfect

I have twiddled virtually every knob I can think of in Xara to solve this and can't e.g. DPI, Dithering, Anti-aliasing etc...you name it. In the export dialog it shows the image is going to be exported as 501 X 71, but even if you change it there it makes no difference

Borders are turned off, in case anyone raises that. In the end, I had to re-size the image to 499 X 69 to get it to export as 500 X 70, which is pretty klunky.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why this might be happening?
