First, my hat is off for this great program. It has came in very handy.

My question is "Is it possible to change the diameters of multiple circles to a given diameter at one time, and keep the original centers of the circles?" Pasting the attributes does not work on the diameter, and I cannot find a method to resize multiple circles while keeping their center points. I figured I'd ask, though, as I have a situation in which I keep having to change the diameter of a hundred or so circles. It gets tiring pasting into each height or width edit box for each circle independently, and then hitting 'Enter' to make the circle change size.

I thought that there might be a method of creating clones of a circle that resize when the circle is resized, but could not figure out how to do that, either. I'm not complaining too loudly, though, as I love the other power Xara has, and recognize it as being a great program.

Thank you,
David O'Neil