I've been looking at all the posts in this forum, and I must say I'm gobsmacked at the quality of work on display. That "first car" post blew me away. Judging by this, most of you guys will be used to using all the top-end modelling software, and won't find mine useful at all, but I'd appreciate anyone's opinion on my little application.

Just a quick background: I'm a recent-ish IT graduate who specialised in Java, and I've written a 3D Engine / modelling application in Java (not Java3D, just good ol' Java). I want to understand 3D concepts from the ground up, so this is where I've started.

Any advice / comments / criticisms are welcome and appreciated. Version 1.0.18 is available for download if anyone has the inclination to check it out. Thanks.

Link: www.i-compute.net/projects_My3DEngine.php