I posted a question some time ago in the 3D forum about a particular problem, and having drawn a blank with my previous question despite lots of helpful comments from forum members I’m going to make the question much simpler.

Can anyone point me to a graphics package, or to a software author (amateur or pro) who could devise a simple a simple utility, which would perform the following task. This simply mimics one of the most basic tasks a seven year old can do with a pencil and compasses……..

With a scaled grid showing:
Mark points A and B on a baseline
Select centre A, enter value x and draw arc radius x
Select centre B, enter value y and draw arc radius y
Mark point C at selected intersection of arcs
Delete arcs.

I can't find a way to do this with Xara without it being far too clumsy for repeated use which is what I need which must involve is a minimum number of steps, as outlined above.

Steve Last